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Top 40 College of Sciences Students Honored

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On Tuesday, December 15, 2015, the top 40 students in the Ray P. Authement College of Sciences were recognized in a ceremony headed by Dean Azmy S. Ackleh. This group of 40 excellent students consists of the top 20 senior, 10 junior and 10 sophomore undergraduate students in our college. These students, all of whom are on the Dean's list and many of whom are on the President's list, were selected based on GPA. In cases of equal GPA's the students with more credit hours were favored for this selection. The average GPA for these 40 students is 3.95.

These top 40 students were invited to a ceremony in Oliver Hall where their accomplishments were formally recognized. At the end of the ceremony, the students who were able to attend were awarded a newly-designed College of Sciences T-shirt. We congratulate these young scholars as they continue their studies!

A list giving the names of all 40 students may be found on the college Dean's List page.

Left to right in the photo: Glen Watson, Phuong Duy Tran, Jaden Matthew Danos, Juliane Gene Mahoney, Adam Broussard, Marae L. Schexnayder, Gabrielle Sanford, Azmy Ackleh, Alexandra Marie Zamora, Joshua Ryan Benoit, Delana H. Phung, Hayden Torres, Joseph Gabriel Zeik, Brooke Elizabeth Davidson, Cassie Marie Clark, Quincy Walker, and Alix Laya Tromblay.