Biology PhD student Hope Okunbor received an American Society of Plant Biologists Travel Award to attend
Herman Hughes Lecture
Wed, 03/15/2023 - 10:41amOn Tuesday 14 March 2023 Dr. Kimon P. Valavanis of the University of Denver, the 2023 Herman D. Hughes Distinguished Lecturer, presented an interesting discussion of the challanges and opportunities associated with next generagtion unmanned aerial vehicles and unmanned aircraft systems.
Dr. Valavanis gave an overview of the current state of unmanned aerial vehicles and their control systems. The main focus of his lecture was on a novel, robust nonlinear controller for the longitudinal/lateral flight dynamics of a NextGen CCW-based fixed-wing aircraft, called UC2AV. The lecture was well attended and lead to some interesting interaction with faculty from several college of sciences units and other interested audience members.