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Magnetic sources in the Earth's mantle

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Eric Ferré of our School of Geosciences recently published an article Magnetic sources in the Earth's mantle in Nature Review & Earth and Environment.

Although it was widely considered for decades that the Earth’s mantle could not be magnetic, recent results show that parts of the upper mantle (down to 660 km depth) carry a magnetic remanence. This Review critically revisits mantle magnetism, discusses recent magnetic data and highlights several unresolved problems about the sources of this deep magnetism.

In this study, Dr. Ferré and his colleagues from Germany, Spain and the USA, Drs. Kupenko, Martín-Hernández, Ravat and Sanchez-Valle deconstruct the old paradigm and pave the way for new studies of our planet’s deep interior. Their review further illustrates the power of multidisciplinary investigations and the benefits of international scientific collaboration.

Find out more here.