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Outstanding Master's Graduate

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Biology Graduate Student Receives Travel Grant

Biology PhD student Hope Okunbor received an American Society of Plant Biologists Travel Award to attend

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Early Career Faculty Mentoring Session

The February 2025 Early Career Faculty Mentoring session was held on Wednesday 19 February 2025.

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Article by Biology Instructor Receives Best Paper Award

An article in the journal Phycologia coauthored by Joseph Richards, an instructor in our Biology Department

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David Behringer is the Outstanding Master’s Graduate in the Department of Biology. He has a 3.76 GPA.

Behringer’s master’s research focused on redfish. By identifying their movements and dietary habits, he demonstrated the importance of saltmarsh habitats to the survival of juvenile redfish. This is critical to stabilizing redfish populations along the Louisiana Gulf Coast. He collaborated with biologists at the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration during his research, which resulted in two peer-reviewed publications and several conference presentations. He is employed as a project coordinator at JESCO Environmental Consulting in Jennings, La. There, he works with the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Geological Survey to use telemetry to monitor sturgeon movements near two naval shipyards. Behringer earned a bachelor’s degree in environmental studies in 2014 from Washington & Jefferson College in Pennsylvania. He is the son of Sue Behringer of Severna Park, Maryland.