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Collaboration achieves top international award

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UL Lafayette – Kasetsart University Thailand Collaboration achieves top international award after just two weeks of research measurements!

Shanghai, PR China, 12 October 2017

At the 2017 International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis held in Shanghai China this week, a research collaboration between the Faculty of Sciences at Kasetsart University and The Ray P. Authement College of Sciences at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette was awarded one of the top prizes for research. The ink was hardly dry on the agreement the universities when the first exchange took place with a visit by Dr. Wanwisa Sudprasert to the Louisiana Accelerator Center the following week.

Harry J. Whitlow, Director of the Louisiana Accelerator Center said, "It is a great honour that the joint research project lead by Dr. Sudprasert got this international award. I am deeply humbled that the team from the Louisiana Accelerator Center and Kasetsart University, including our graduate student Mr. Henry Udeogo, Researcher Dr. Naresh Deoli and Accelerator Engineer Mr. Armin deVera together with Dr. Wanwisa Suprasert and Dr. Ridthee Meersat got this award, for research project Investigation of mercury pathways from dental amalgam by micro-PIXE. This is a topic of great international socioeconomic concern and our research showed that it is a combination of wear and chemical processes on the biting surfaces of the amalgam which releases mercury into the saliva which is the main pathway into the body and not through the tooth itself."

The International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis is a top-level conference recognised by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics that is held every two years. Researchers from the Louisiana Accelerator Center are giving four presentations at the 23rd International Ion Beam Analysis Conference held in Shanghai this week (8-14 October 2017). The work presented at this top level scientific conference encompasses both undergraduate research and the work of Physics graduate students Mr. Kyle Coutee and Mr. Jay Dias as well as researchers Dr. Karin Smith, and Deborah Rogers from the Department of Biology and Dr. Robin Brousard from the Vice President's Office.