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New International Inter-Faculty Agreement

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Biology Graduate Student Receives Travel Grant

Biology PhD student Hope Okunbor received an American Society of Plant Biologists Travel Award to attend

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Early Career Faculty Mentoring Session

The February 2025 Early Career Faculty Mentoring session was held on Wednesday 19 February 2025.

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Article by Biology Instructor Receives Best Paper Award

An article in the journal Phycologia coauthored by Joseph Richards, an instructor in our Biology Department

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Dental amalgam has been controversial ever since it was introduced as dental restorative material. During the period 12-24 June 2017 Wanwisa Sudprasert from the Department of Applied Radiation and Isotopes at Kasetsart University (KU), Thailand was on research training sponsored by the IAEA in the Department of Physics and Louisiana Accelerator Center (LAC). The study used the recently upgraded PIXE microbeam at LAC to measure maps of the elemental concentrations. These were then used identify intermetallic phases using a mathematical co-localization procedure developed by Harry J. Whitlow, Wanwisa Sudpraset and Ridthee Meesat at (KU). The project which required 24/7 operation also involved Dr. Naresh Deoli, Accelerator Engineer Armin deVera and three physics graduate students Henry Udeogu, Jay Dias and Kyle Coutee.

Dr. Wanwisa Suprasert is also Assistant Dean in the Faculty of Science at KU and was busy with the finishing touches on two Memoranda of Understanding between the Faculty of Science at Kasetsart University and the Nuclear Society of Thailand that were signed by Dean Dr. Azmy Ackleh and Dr. Jack S. Damico, Deptuy Vice President for Research, Innovation and Economic Development,  the week before in Bangkok.  So this was a real jump-start to new future collaboration with KU!