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Generous Donations Lead to an Increase in Geology Scholarships

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The Geology program within our School of Geosciences is pleased to announce $47,000 in new scholarships. These funds will be divided among 61 deserving students (both undergraduate and graduate). These efforts are supported by generous donations of scholarship money to the Geology program by individuals, groups, and industry partners. David Borrok, the Director of the School of Geosciences, notes that, "$14,000 of the scholarship money came from the Halliburton Foundation for the purposes of increasing the participation of females in the Geosciences, particularly female students interested in the oil and gas industry".  Seven female students will each receive $2000 from these funds.  Borrok continues, "We are extremely fortunate to have these resources and our students really benefit from it".

Visit the School of Geosciences webpage to learn more about the geology program and other programs.