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February 21st, 2024

Physics alumnus pens most read article in the journal Geology

An article by physics alumnus Prasanna Mahesh Gunawardana (MS in physics 2016) is ... Read More ➝
February 2nd, 2024

STEM Saturday: Puzzled

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December 15th, 2023

Biology Students' Research Work Published in Scientific Reports

Kevin Torgersen and six students coworkers from the Biology Department lab of James Albert have a new publication in... Read More ➝
December 15th, 2023

Hei and Tu Receive Award for Best Paper at EAI SmartSP 2023

Xiali Hei and Yazhou Tu of our Center for Advanced Computer Science received an award for Best Paper at the recent ... Read More ➝
December 15th, 2023

Zhang Receives Award for Best Oral Paper at IMAGE 2023

Rui Zhang of our School of Geosciences received an IMAGE 202... Read More ➝
November 24th, 2023

An Engaging Lecture by Nobel Laureate Eric Cornell

Nobel laureate Dr.... Read More ➝
