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Miao Jin to share in $20 million NSF award for materials research

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Miao Jin, Associate Professor in the School of Computing and Informatics, is teaming up with four other Louisiana universities in the $20 million (approximately $4.33 millon this year) Louisiana Materials Design Alliance (LAMDA), which also includes Louisiana State University, Louisiana Tech University, Southern University, and Tulane University.

The Louisiana Materials Design Alliance (LAMDA), aims to improve the global competitiveness of U.S. industries that use advanced manufacturing methods, specifically 3D printing. Because the layering process used in 3D printing can introduce defects, research is needed to improve both the understanding of the additive manufacturing process and the metals and plastics used for layering. LAMDA will achieve this research by using machine learning to improve the design of metals and polymers that give superior performance when used in additive manufacturing.

Congratulations to Drs. Miao Jin, Henry Chu, Xiali Hei, Ahmed Khattab, and Jonathan Rauch and the entire research team of the State of Louisiana for this significant accomplishment and the best of luck in carrying out the proposed project.

Look at the details on the NSF award page or read this summary at the Board of Regents page.