Biology PhD student Hope Okunbor received an American Society of Plant Biologists Travel Award to attend
Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium
Sat, 07/27/2019 - 8:00amThe Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Healthy Streams, Healthy Coasts and Advanced Infrastructure Materials and Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium was held on 26 July 2019, in the University of Louisiana at Lafayette Alumni Center exhibiting 20 poster presentations. Congratulations to all participants and advisors for excellent research and engaging presentations! Watch the video here.
Students in the Healthy Streams, Healthy Coasts: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Watershed Science and Education Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program have been working with University of Louisiana at Lafayette faculty in the Department of Biology and School of Geosciences this summer (2019). They presented posters of their research in the Alumni Center along with students in the Advanced Infrastructural Materials REU program and other undergraduate researchers. These programs are made possible through funding from the National Science Foundation.