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Top 50 Students Honored

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Biology Graduate Student Receives Travel Grant

Biology PhD student Hope Okunbor received an American Society of Plant Biologists Travel Award to attend

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Early Career Faculty Mentoring Session

The February 2025 Early Career Faculty Mentoring session was held on Wednesday 19 February 2025.

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Article by Biology Instructor Receives Best Paper Award

An article in the journal Phycologia coauthored by Joseph Richards, an instructor in our Biology Department

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On Monday, April 29, 2019, the top 50 students in the Ray P. Authement College of Sciences were recognized in a ceremony headed by Dean Azmy S. Ackleh. This group of 50 excellent students consists of the top 30 senior and 20 junior undergraduate students in our college. These students, all of whom are on the Dean's list and the President's list, were selected based on their cumulative GPAs and total credit hours earned during the 2018-19 academic year. In cases of equal GPA's the students with more credit hours were favored for this selection.

This was the fourth year that the college formally honored its highest-achieving undergraduates. Dean Azmy S. Ackleh met with the students as a group and individually to offer congratulations. Each student was presented with a custom Ray P. Authement College of Sciences t-shirt or coffee mug.

The seniors are: Madison Ackel, Marco Acosta, James Baker, Aidyn Creson, Sydney Escott, Dijel Fuselier, Hanna Istre, Andrea Lee, Holly Monk, Alyce Puckett, Alida Robin, Sarah Robolow, Sarah Saunier, Lindsey Schexnailder, Ada Tusa, Catherine Weber, Truc Pham, Ryan Baird, Nicholas Barreca, Caden Cunningham, Keegan Lange, Nathan Vidrine, Victor Bowler, Stephanie Garcia, Kalee Checker, Aura Pinto, Lauren Robichaux, Brian Maggio, Andre Broussard, and Conner Lemaire.

The juniors are: Matthew Authement, Peter Bergeaux, Brooke Bocklud, Adrian Courville, Kirsten Douet, Noelle Dunn, Emily Frederick, Victoria Furka, Kaleb Robin, Alexandra Nguyen, Morgan Wimberley, Shallon Broussard, Tate Courville, Diana Nguyen, Victoria Gomez, Timothy Martin, Joshua Cheramie, Maxwell Kane, Xiaoqing Yan, and Nicholas Henderson.