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Fall 2017 College of Sciences and University Outstanding Graduate

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Peace Eze is the Fall 2017 Outstanding Graduate for the Ray P. Authement College of Sciences. In addition to this honor, Peace was selected as the University of Louisiana at Lafayette Alumni Association’s overall Outstanding Graduate.

She is a geology major with a concentration in petroleum geology and a minor in mathematics. Eze has a 3.82 GPA. She was vice president of the University Honors Council, multicultural officer for the University Program Council, and secretary for the African Students Association. She was named Outstanding Senior at Ragin' Recognition and Miss Umoja Scholarship Queen. Eze collaborated with faculty members from Stanford University on a research project called "Seismic Characterization of the Terrebone Mini Basin: A hydrate rich depositional system in the Gulf of Mexico." At the University, she conducted research in paleoclimate studies. Her scholarships include the Fleur des Lis International Scholarship and a National Association of Black Geoscientists Scholarship. She is a member of the UL Lafayette Honors Program, Alpha Lambda Delta Honors Society and the National Collegiate Honors Council. Eze is vice president of the UL Lafayette National Society of Black Engineers. She developed a tutoring program in math, science and English for underprivileged students, and volunteered with Habitat for Humanity, the Big Event and New Hope Community Development of Acadiana. Eze plans to pursue a master's degree in geology from the University.

She is the daughter of Peter and Lillian Eze of Lafayette.

Photo: Kyle Bacon, Alumni Association president with Fall 2017 overall Outstanding Graduate Peace Eze. (Photo credit: Courtney Bergeron / UL Lafayette Alumni Association)